Pat Gormen's Summer Showdown 2.0
Drone rundown of the Summer Showdown 2.0
So today we were at the summer showdown event hosted by a good friend of mine Pat Gorman. This was a day that I was more focuesd on the drone than racing. well I went to rip the 7” drone and annoyingly it was not flying without desyncing and the desync would occure whenever I was near full throttle. and with chasaing cars im near the throttle limit a lot so I had pulled the 7” down and threw up my backup drone, the 5” this drone flew a lot nicer and has been a very reliable drone other than when I lost video and lost it on a mountain side. annoyingly almost all of my batteies I use for this 5” have died to the point of barley holding a charge. and I only had two batteries that could hold a charge for 3 minutes.
Track Running the miata
So just wanna start off but I bought another gopro hero 9 black and had set it up so that whenever the Gopro recived power from the USB it would turn on and automaticlly start recording. THIS SHIT DIDN’t RECORD SQUAT. not sure why either as I tested it before hand without issue. but other than that this was my first time running with race gloves, I didn’t think I’d enjoy the gloves but it was strangely nice. Pat does a great job at designing great flowing tracks